“Change that is required is a change of consciousness.” 

Johnny Seed


Modern civilization has largely fallen into a dualism that seems to put ecology and economy as two opposing forces. In reality, the two are interrelated.


3)Trans Canada Highway in Banff National Park Oct 27, 2014 - Bruce witzel photo


The root of both words, eco-logy and eco-nomy, comes from the Greek oikos, meaning household, dwelling place, or habitat.


Lions Gate Bridge and North Vancouver - photo and painted effect by bruce witzel

Ecology is about interactions of natural communities. It is the story of where we live (the earth). Economy is about household management. It means thrift and sound management of our personal and communal resources. In today’s modern economy, however, waste, blunder and negligence are the norm.

There are so many ways people can do things differently.  

Recently I was inspired by a few paragraphs from Global Chorus, 365 voices for the Future of the Planet…


IMG_4513painting effect by bruce witzel


Along with these images, I share with you the voice of Osvald Bjelland…


We need to break the link between the pursuit of human ambition and the depletion of the natural environment. To move people and goods without warming the climate.


Portland Oregon - bruce witzel photo


To transform waste into a resource.


Homebuilt attached greenhouse (Aunt Anna's)  bruce Witzel photo


To redirect consumption away from the accumulation of stuff.


A monarch butterfly @ Pismo Beach California Nov. 2012


To power ourselves – heat our homes, preserve our food and light our lamps – without making our air unbreathable.


Solar Home in New Denver, British Columbia - Bruce Witzel photo


In short, we need to reinvent growth.

It is all too easy too dismiss these aims as lofty dreams. Yet they are no more loftier than the telephone was during the last days of the telegram, nor any more improbable than the internal combustion engine was when the preferred mode of transportation was the horse-drawn carriage.

In fact, I would argue that it is those who call change impractical who are the impractical ones…


Sunset on Lake Manitou, Saskatchewan - bruce witzel photo

I believe in human ingenuity, and that by working together… the balance between our natural and human resources can be restored.


Osvald Bjelland

founder of the Global leadership and Technology Exchange Partnership.


 GoSun Solar oven - photo source unknown



Cheers to the solar age that’s dawning


~ Bruce ~

18 thoughts on “PRACTICAL CHANGE

  1. Pingback: We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children. | Hoxton Spanish Tutor Info

  2. Pingback: Eco | Hoxton Spanish Tutor Info

  3. I see your reference to Wendell Berry and it reminded me of a challenging time about fifteen years ago when we were attending a particular church. The pastor was quite progressive within a generally more conservative congregation. He would often refer to Berry (and others), in an attempt to inspire towards a more socially responsible and conscientious approach, I guess you’d say, to care and concern for the environment, and to “redirect from consumption.” The tide turned against him. He was considered radical in his thinking, and it was a very confusing time for me as I grappled with what made total sense to me, resonated as truth, and seemed compatible with my spiritual beliefs, yet in general within this particular population was not going to take hold. There was a spirit of antagonism, but it challenged me so much that it was my entrance into study and independent reading resulting in personal change. I think once we begin to really believe we are all connected and that even our smallest actions have consequences that may harm others or the planet, there is no turning back and pretending we don’t have responsibility. I hadn’t thought about my “turning point” in quite a while! Osvald Bjelland is a name I didn’t know, so thank you for this beautiful introduction. I will make a point of knowing more about his work. This is another very thought provoking “read,” Bruce. Thank you!

    • I was away working again Debra! The story of your progressive pastor within a generally conservative congregation is a story all too familiar. The amazing thing is how this lead you in your own direction of growth, and how good can come of bad. The yin/yang of the universe sort of thing. I once heard a progressive priest who told a jokes during his homily, one about how Mary often looked sad in the paintings and statues because she always wanted a girl! He was trying to get people to get think out of the box. This didn’t go down well with more than a few his parishioners… It is always good to hear from you Debra. I never think of LA the same anymore!

    • Sorry, I was away from the net for the a few days. Yes to redefine growth is challenging. I think it was Mies Van der Rohe who said less is more. Maybe careful nurtured growth is the way. And always using the precautionary principle. To paraphrase Aldo Leopold, will this decision help the biotic community or will it hinder it?

  4. “Change that is required is a change of consciousness.”

    Johnny Seed

    consciousness n. State of being awake and aware. That many passed this way is proof change of consciousness is occurring.

    Modern civilization has largely fallen into a dualism that seems to put ecology and economy as two opposing forces. In reality, the two are interrelated.

    Dualism seen as separation between human beings, interrelated as well – rich/poor, black/white, Christian/Muslim, hawk/dove – is overcome as consciousness changes for the better, so, while some ways to travel, good signs are appearing along the road.

  5. Amen! We pride ourselves on our big brains, so why can’t we solve this dilemma of consuming? Much of the conflict may come from a moral/spiritual perspective that ignores the interconnection of organic systems in favor of a dominant motivation (ego, greed, the single story, etc.). Have been reading Wendell Berry lately. Ethic and attitude are a huge obstacle to progress toward solving our dilemma; indeed, a change of consciousness is imperative for our species going forward!

  6. I agree with everything you’ve said, Bruce. The degradation of the environment is deeply interwoven into the economic violence that has been waged against the poor and working classes through the ages. The idea that the planet’s natural resources are commodities to be exploited and controlled has been a foundation of global capitalism. I am guilty as a consumer of choosing what is expedient at times rather than being more thoughtful of the materials I use, foods I consume and goods I buy.

    • Choices are difficult, and all of us are guilty to a certain extent. To what degree makes a difference. It is what each of us does according to the best of our ability, to raise consciousness and show sharing and caring. You are doing your part Jeff, and being true. Thanks for your good work.

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