Britney Keeley’s opinion piece on Treaties

At school in early Spring my grand daughter’s grade 4 class had to write their opinion on this question:

What do you think of the treaties that were signed between the First Nations and the Canadian government? Share your opinion below.


With my grand daughter Britney’s permission I share her written response here:

I believe the treaty agreement was unfair, because the First Nations did not get all they were promised. Another reason is that they already had that land from the Creator. Also, the wolfers were looking for horses in the mountains and they came along the First Nations and killed them for no reason when they did not have the horses. And that is why I think the treaty was unfair.

by Britney Penelope Keeley


Brit's opinion piece about treaty rights


Fran and I have had four lovely weeks together with both of our grand daughters. They leave for their Alberta home tomorrow. Here are a few other images and notes.


Brit and emma at yoho park 2021-07-13 bruce witzel photo

Britney (left) and Emma (right) at Takakkaw Falls in Canada’s Yoho National Park in early July when we drove back to British Columbia in early July.  In the local Cree language “Yoho” means awe or wonder, “Takakkaw” means magnificent. 


emma, brit and fran at lake louise 2021-07-13 bruce wtizel photo

Emma, Brit and Francis at Lake Louise in Alberta – July 13, 2021


picnic at yoho 2021-07-13

Our picnic at Takakkaw Falls with Emma, below.


Emma at yoho 2021-07-13 bruce witzel photo



The next two photos were taken at Duck Lake, Saskatchewan on August 3, 2005.

They speak of the treaties and promises. Well – the broken promises.


Duck Lake and a Broken Treaty



Broken Treaty Mural at Duck Lake, Saskatchewan




Brit when she was six in 2017

Brit - 6 years old



Cheers for peace,


Bruce and Britney


7 thoughts on “Britney Keeley’s opinion piece on Treaties

    • I think a lot of the failed honouring of treaty right is tied up in legal battles. Many of the First Nations on the Pacific Coast never even signed a treaty with the Crown… in any case it seems most of Canada is stolen land. Cheers Roy.

  1. I really enjoyed seeing the photos of you and Francis with your wonderful granddaughters, Bruce. I celebrate time between grandparents and their grands, and it’s very clear from Britney’s insights and sensitive response to the question given to her that she has developed a keen sense of justice and has a very sensitive grasp of the injuries done to the First Nations. I’m sure you’ve had a hand in cultivating that perspective. I can imagine you and Francis are going to miss them a lot when they go home, and they’ll likely be looking forward to next time, too!

    • Hi Rosalienne. Sorry I’ve been arrears in answering comments. Britney is the generation of the Greta Thunberg’s of the world. Though she hasn’t yet caught to the horrors of the climate change crises fully, you can see she abhors injustice. Such as to the aboriginal peoples of the world.

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