The Mighty Columbia River - British Columbia, Oregon and Washington State


~ Text by Wendell Berry ~ 


Love the quick profit, the annual raise, vacation with pay.

Want more of everything made.

Be afraid to know your neighbors and to die.

And you will have a window in your head.

Not even your future will be a mystery any more.


Mural at the Heard Museum, Phoenix Arizona


Your mind will be punched in a card and shut away in a little drawer.

When they want you to buy something they will call you.

When they want you to die for profit they will let you know. . .




                                                                  Youth and Society


So, friends, every day do something that won’t compute.



Love the Lord. Love the world. Work for nothing.

Take all that you have and be poor.

Love someone who does not deserve it.




Ask the questions that have no answers.

Invest in the millennium.

Plant sequoias. . .


Our old boardwalk at the lake


Put your faith in the two inches of humus that will build under the trees

every thousand years. . .


Ronnings Garden daffodils



Be joyful though you have considered all the facts. . .


Our niece at the lake - Bruce Witzel & Francis Guenette



As soon as the generals and politicos can predict the motions

of your mind, lose it.

Leave it as a sign to mark the false trail, the way you didn’t go.


Montreal Metro.



Be like the fox who makes more tracks than necessary,

some in the wrong direction.


On Mesa Verde



Practice resurrection.


girl_meditating_hologram1 - photo source unknown

(photo source unknown)


Excerpts from the poem ~ Manifesto: the Mad Farmer Liberation Front ~


by Wendell Berry



photo credit – Guy Mendes, Wikipedia


Wendell Berry (born August 5, 1934) is an American novelist, poet, environmental activist, cultural critic, and farmer.

According to him, the good life includes sustainable agriculture, appropriate technologies, healthy rural communities, connection to place, the pleasures of good food, husbandry, good work, local economics, the miracle of life, fidelity, frugality, reverence, and the interconnectedness of life. The threats Berry finds to this good simple life include: industrial farming and the industrialization of life, ignorance, hubris, greed, violence against others and against the natural world, the eroding topsoil in the United States, global economics, and environmental destruction.

Berry, who describes himself as “a person who takes the Gospel seriously,”[9] has criticized Christian organizations for failing to challenge cultural complacency about environmental degradation,[10] and has shown a willingness to criticize what he perceives as the arrogance of some Christians.[11] He is an advocate of Christian pacifism.  (Source – Wikipedia)


~ Happy Easter to All ~




Rainbow across the inlet - Vancouver Island,BC - by Bruce Witzel


  1. Thanks for laying out these words and images in such a thoughtful manner. I need to pick up my old Berry books and read once again!

  2. Hi Bruce,

    I hope you had a nice Easter. I loved this post! It’s very inspirational. I am really trying this year to live my faith every day and not just during the ‘big’ holidays like Christmas and Easter.


    • Yes – I had a relaxing time in the big city with family. And I enjoyed creating this post, and am glad you found inspiration within it. Faith really is 24/7, though it is not always simple or easy. We gotta work on it, for certain. Thanks for checking in Nancy.

  3. Thank you for the wonderful Easter challenge, Bruce. I admit to knowing more about who Wendell Berry’s is and much less about him from his own words. I’m going to remedy that immediately! The manifesto is brilliant–as in lighting the way!

    • Thank you and Happy Easter Jill, from both Francis and I. She’s is quite preoccupied this weekend, with motherly and grand motherly love. Glad your day is a bright one.

  4. Pingback: Practice Resurrection | Debi Bradford Photography

  5. Pingback: Practice Resurrection — Photographs to Wendell Berry’s Manifesto

  6. I quoted this very writing on a facebook post early this morning, then my soul-friend Debi Bradford (comment above) sent me a note saying she had read the same words written on your blog. i was soooo inspired, I decided to also do a blog post, combining my photography and excerpts from Berry’s work.

    How wonderful if it started a “Practice Resurrection” movement of photography with his words….

    • And so do you Charles. I’ve begun another draft including more of your photos to post over the next few weeks.Thank for sharing your grounded spirituality and ecological wisdom through the Brandt series.

      NOTE TO READERS: The three thumbnails above, including the Trumpeter Swans in the center photo, hi-light posts about Charles life-work and love of the natural world and the cosmos. They are among the most popular pages of this blog.

  7. Reblogged this on Debi Bradford Photography and commented:
    Bruce Witzel’s blog post reflects feelings I’d had for ages but couldn’t put into the right words. The text by Wendell Berry will make you stop in your tracks to reflect on your life. I intend to do some soul searching in earnest after reading this. I urge you to read this today. Thank you, Bruce.

    • A kind thanks to you Debi. Years ago I discovered this poem by Wendell Berry. My wife then gave me for Christmas a book of his essays. When I revisited the poem to share here a few days ago, I was happy to discover within Wikimedia commons, the wonderful photo of him on his farm that includes solar panels.

      I shouldn’t be, but I’m pleasantly surprised that you and others are finding this a such a moving reflection. The earth so much needs transformation, beyond just thinking of ourselves. Knowing that others are soul searching and embracing new ways of being and living, brings us much hope to sustain and bring to reality what needs to be. . . as envisioned by Berry, and so many others.

  8. Beautiful sentiments – inspiring photographs – and heartfelt wishes
    Thank you, Bruce! Have a Happy Easter 🙂 My mind’s made up.

    ✟ The Time is Now! Roll away the stone, sweet angel,
    for only rocks that roll feel free ~ Uncle Tree

    • Claire – my humble apologies that I missed seeing your comment in my notifications last Sunday. Hope your week has gone well. Really liked your catholic worker family post. I had an old friend (who has since passed on) who was a union organizer, a communist, & he admired Caesar Chavez. He always said to me in parting “keep the faith”. . . I pass that message on 🙂

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